Hacks, Strikes, Layoffs, Rankings, and Localization Jobs – slator.com

Florian and Esther discuss the language industry news of the week, with key highlights from the latest Slator Pro Guide: The Future of Language Industry Jobs. The guide focuses on the future of jobs and freelance opportunities in the language industry, noting the impact of AI on employment trends. The duo analyze the 2024 Inc. […]

US DoJ Orders New Jersey Judiciary to Pay Up, Improve Language Access – slator.com

The court in Monmouth County, New Jersey is set to update and expand its translation capabilities, and related staff training — a clear “win” for language access advocates in the legal sphere. But the road there has been far from smooth. It started with a complaint from a whistleblower, an employee of Monmouth County court […]

The Reinvention of Localization Management – slator.com

Under pressure from stakeholders to use AI, localization divisions are facing shifting priorities toward increasing production volumes without incurring higher costs. The Slator Pro Guide: The Future of Language Industry Jobs analyzes how localization divisions from a sample set of 304 companies are adapting key jobs, creating new roles, and in some cases reducing staff. […]

Localization Is a Top ROI Use Case for GenAI with Lilt CEO Spence Green – slator.com

Spence Green, CEO and Co-founder of LILT, the AI solution provider for enterprise translation, joins SlatorPod. On the podcast, Spence discusses the evolution of LILT‘s end-to-end platform, which integrates AI models with human verification to ensure quality standards. The CEO notes a significant shift in enterprise approaches towards localization, now being more software-driven rather than […]

Researchers Combine DeepL and GPT-4 to Automate (Research) Questionnaire Translation – slator.com

In a July 30, 2024 research paper, Otso Haavisto and Robin Welsch from Aalto University presented a web application designed to simplify the process of adapting questionnaires for different languages and cultures. This tool aims to assist researchers conducting cross-cultural studies, enhancing the quality and efficiency of questionnaire adaptation, while promoting equitable research practices. Haavisto […]

CCJK Expands Its Language Services to Empower Global Business Growth – slator.com

CCJK is a language service provider company that recently made an official announcement to expand its translation solutions to meet the evolving needs of businesses. With more than 2 decades of experience in the industry, the translation company has recognized the significance of effective communication in businesses international success. Their years of market understanding and […]

Emotion Is What You Need — Emotional Context Improves Translation Quality of LLMs – slator.com

In May 2024, researchers emphasized the crucial role that emotions play in human communication and introduced a new dataset designed to enhance speech-to-text and speech-to-speech translation by integrating emotional context into the translation process. In July 2024, Alibaba incorporated speech emotion recognition (SER) into its FunAudioLLM to retain original emotions in AI-powered interpreting. Building on […]