Josh Goldsmith on How Language Experts Become Successful –

Josh Goldsmith, Geek-In-Chief of techforward, joins SlatorPod to talk about his multiple roles as a linguist, conference interpreter, and educator. Josh shares his multifaceted background in linguistics and language teaching, highlighting his passion for language and education, which led him to co-found techforward. Josh explains the current landscape of conference interpreting, noting a shift back […]

Google Presents the First On-Device, Real-Time Speech-to-Speech Translation Model –

In a June 4, 2924 paper researchers from Google Research and Google DeepMind presented SimulTron, a model designed for on-device, real-time speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) built upon the Translatotron architecture. The researchers highlighted the ongoing evolution of S2ST technology while emphasizing the persistent challenge of achieving accurate, real-time, on-device simultaneous translation. They noted that existing simultaneous […]

Researchers Improve AI Translation by Having Translators Give ‘Light-Weight’ Feedback –

In April 2024, Dayeon Ki and Marine Carpuat from the University of Maryland demonstrated that guiding large language models (LLMs) with external feedback on quality improves their machine translation post-editing (MTPE) capabilities. In their study, they used different forms of feedback with different levels of granularity: generic, score-based, and fine-grained, with the latter showing the […]

How to Build a Startup in Real-Time AI Speech Translation –

Can AI solve real human problems? This is a question that Karolina Sjöberg, Co-founder and CEO of Mabel AI, and Snow Huo, Co-founder and CEO of Byrdhouse AI, have tackled head-on. Both CEOs founded real-time AI speech translation startups in 2022. Sjöberg, a doctor by training, gained firsthand experience of the impact that language barriers […]

Group-Q, Pangeanic Partner For Advanced AI Language Solutions & Private GenAI –

June 12, 2024 – New York, NY USA – Group-Q, a premier distributor of innovative technology solutions, has signed an exclusive strategic partnership agreement with language technology company Pangeanic, a global leader in natural language processing (NLP) solutions and GenAI for language technologies. This collaboration enables Group-Q to offer Pangeanic’s advanced language technology products to […]

Language AI Briefing June 2024 –

Slator is the leading source of news and research for the global translation, localization, and language technology industry. Our Advisory practice is a trusted partner to clients looking for independent analysis. Headquartered in Zurich, Slator has a presence in Asia, Europe, and the US. Source link

Researchers Propose First ‘Transcription-Free’ Automatic Subtitling Model –

In a May 17, 2024 paper, Marco Gaido, Sara Papi, Matteo Negri, Mauro Cettolo, and Luisa Bentivogli from the Fondazione Bruno Kessler introduced a new approach to automatic subtitling (AS) that eliminates the reliance on intermediate transcripts for timestamp prediction. The researchers explained that subtitles consist of text blocks with corresponding time durations to ensure […]

Humanless LSP as a Fun Weekend Project –

Florian and Esther discuss the language industry news of the week, giving a recap of SlatorCon London and exploring some use cases from the Slator Pro Guide: Language AI for Consumers. Florian talks about Andrew Ng’s recent project on agentic machine translation, which involves using large language models (LLMs) to create a virtual language service […]